Facilitator and Growth Coach
The Brain-based Case for Creating a Safe Workplace
So many professionals these days champion the need to create a psychologically safe workplace. But how many leaders actually do it?
According to a 2021 McKinsey report: a mere 26%. Why does that matter? Did you know that your employees are cognitively incapable of performing at their highest level if they don’t feel psychologically safe in the workplace?
This impacts productivity, morale, turnover, and much more. In this workshop, learn the science behind why that is true and, more importantly, you’ll learn science-based tactics for creating psychological safety in your workplace.
Participants will:
• Understand the concept of psychological safety and why it is critical for productive employees
• Learn to recognize when psychological safety is absent
• Learn strategies for fostering psychological safety
Speaker Bio
Dr. Ali Atkison is a highly regarded keynote speaker and learning-and-development professional who has educated and inspired audiences of all sizes for more than two decades. With more than 20 years in higher education, Ali is widely considered one of the foremost authorities on how the adult brain learns.
As a facilitator with HRD, Ali delights in delivering clear, tangible and, yes, actually fun, workshops and programs to engage with organizations and teams who want to truly achieve lasting results. Ali has a wealth of experience in professional speaking, learning and development, facilitation, strategic planning, leadership, teambuilding, and coaching. She uses her experience with the power of communication and science to deliver results that marry the complex interplay between human motivation and values and the organization’s values and mission.
Ali leads with an inquisitive mindset. She brings her curious, analytical nature to her work, which allows her to model and coach a growth mindset. She believes every problem has a solution, and every person has potential. Ali’s strengths are her ability to connect big-picture thinking with small steps and achievable wins; and finding ways to connect with clients and audiences from 1 to 1,000 in ways that make sense to them.
Ali’s upcoming book, How’s Your Computer-side Manner? Nine Digital-Communication Mistakes You’re Making That Are Holding You Back, is out for publication in 2024